Dear friends…
Well, it’s been some time I guess! It’s safe to say that this year hasn’t panned out at all as was planned back in January. In February I took the incredibly difficult but deeply thought out decision to step back from the label for the remainder of 2021 at least. No grand announcements, no fuss - just simply retreating to observe from the shadows for a while.
The devastating, combined effects of the pandemic, Brexit, vinyl pressing times, shipping/general cost increases, import taxes and more meant that I had to have a serious look at if running the label was even possible any more. I could see what was coming down the track and I didn’t like it at all. Those issues are clearly still not resolved and the problems continue to mount for independent labels and artists. I salute those who are courageously soldiering on and making things happen in truly trying circumstances.
As it stands, the truth is I still don’t know what the future holds for Gizeh and that’s ok. I’ve been running the label for nearly 20 years now and adapting, progressing and being open to change is part of the DNA around these parts. There is no doubt that music is in a state of flux just now and everyone involved is trying to work out how to move forward in a sustainable way, whether that’s financially, environmentally or emotionally.
And so… we will wait and we will see...
On a personal level, aside from music, I also work as a screen printer and an artist and during this past year I’ve had the chance to develop Dark Peak Press into a more serious and sustainable endeavour and found the opportunity to join forces with several other artistic folk in my local town of Glossop, here in the UK, to form a creative cooperative space we call KIN.DER.
Every year at Gizeh HQ we do a hearty Winter Sale, where we offer a lot of excellent records at silly cheap prices, and this year is no different. Feel free to spread the word and please dig in!
I hope everyone is doing ok out there. Stay safe and stay warm.
Much love…